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Nutrient loading and algal blooms. biodivcanada. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2021, from,be%20loaded%20into%20aquatic%20systems.  


Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). The Sources and Solutions: Wastewater. EPA. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from


Hernández, D. L., Vallano, D. M., Zavaleta, E. S., Tzankova, Z., Pasari, J. R., Weiss, S., Selmants, P. C., & Morozumi, C. (2016, February 24). Nitrogen pollution is linked to US listed species declines. OUP Academic. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from


The facts about nutrient pollution - United States Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2021, from


Nutrient pollution: Causes and solutions. LG Sonic. (2021, August 16). Retrieved November 15, 2021, from

Nutrient Loading

Nutrient loading is described as when nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus, runoff into bodies of water causing harmful effects such as algal blooms. The process of nutrient loading mainly comes from three things: fertilizer runoff from agriculture, phosphates from laundry detergents, and sewage. Many farmers use fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides on their crops, and while this speeds their growing process and makes the crops bigger, many of these chemicals runoff into bodies of water. Phosphates, a common additive in detergents and a major environmental hazard, runs off into draining systems and is spewed into the ocean. Lastly, our own sewage and the things we flush down the toilet contain many chemicals that are harmful to marine life and are constantly being dumped into our oceans.



Nutrient loading mainly affects marine life. The nitrogen and phosphorus that is dumped into the ocean decreases oxygen levels, which is an optimal environment for algae growth. Nutrient loading can have grave dangers on many fish and shellfish species as well. According to a BioScience study by Daniel Hernandez and others, “one-third of US streams and two-fifths of US lakes are moderately to severely affected by excess nitrogen inputs.” One severely impacted species is the West Indian Manatee, whose main source of energy comes from seagrass, the same seagrass now being threatened by nutrient pollution.



Nutrient pollution also has very real and dangerous effects on humans. Most of our drinking water comes from groundwater, which is filled with chemicals and agricultural runoff. The shellfish and fish that we eat are consuming toxic chemicals, so their toxic chemicals are transported into our systems. Excess algae that gets into our food and drinking water can have serious health effects including rashes, stomach aches, and more. Infants are most in danger of nutrient pollution. 



Algal blooms are a leading cause for marine life endangerment. The nitrogen and phosphorus feeds algae and lowers the overall oxygen levels, creating an algal bloom. Fishes, marine mammals, and many plant species can’t survive in algal blooms, so they are pushed out of their homes into new territories. Algal blooms form a layer of algae and fog that prevent plant species from getting sunlight. The toxins emitted from algal blooms can kill marine life and sicken humans, hence why they are also killed dead zones. Most species cannot live in or near dead zones, which causes a cascading effect of habitat displacement.



The EPA is helping the nutrient pollution crisis by working with both state and federal partners in Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico to address the dead zone there. They also work closely with states to regulate nitrogen pollution and develop water quality criteria. Using sustainable farming practices instead of fertilizers helps lower agricultural runoff. Individuals can help prevent nutrient pollution by using detergents that don’t contain phosphates and being cognizant of what they may be flushing into the ocean. Newer methods to combat algal blooms are being developed such as ultrasonic algae control technology that is sustainable and safe for marine life, and focuses on eutrophication.

Ocean Chemicals


Ocean chemical pollution is the release of man-made chemicals, drugs, and waste into the ocean. Chemical pollution branches over many types of pollution, but mostly refers to oil, waste, and pharmaceuticals in the environment. Focusing on pharmaceuticals, information is fairly recent and more research on opioids and other drugs is being conducted on marine life. Pharmaceuticals are a topic that has only recently been a part of conversations regarding environmental change and pollution, and drugs have been established as a new category of contaminant. Pharmaceuticals excreted by humans do not pose a major threat, however the actual manufacturing and industrial waste that is escaping into the environment from producing these drugs is a main issue.​

As research is ongoing, not much information is present regarding pharmaceuticals in the environment comparable to other types of pollution. Yet, it is known that drugs that have found their way into the ocean have potentially extensive effects on marine life. Causes of pharmaceutical runoff into the ocean and waterways have to do with poor waste management, increased consumption of drugs worldwide, and a lack of regulating the pharmaceutical industry. Many third world countries lack proper waste management, and even countries that have acceptable waste management practices have issues with drugs because they are not necessarily designed for extracting drugs from waste. A study done in Southern Australia examined concentrations of MDMA, cocaine, methamphetamine, opioids codeine and morphine, and BE after wastewater treatment. All drugs were still present, and codeine had the highest concentration after treatment. The study also concludes that out of the drugs tested, they believe codeine and methamphetamine would be most environmentally destructive. From this study it is clear that wastewater plants are not fully extracting drugs and it can be inferred that concentrations of these drugs in other countries with worse treatment could be even higher. The lack of regulation and awareness of pharmaceuticals is also a cause because for so long pharmaceutical runoff wasn’t considered when thinking of environmental change, people weren’t even aware that it could be polluting the environment. 


Effects of pharmaceuticals on wildlife are currently being studied. The opioid epidemic undoubtedly contributes to a large amount of chemical pollution because of the continued increase in the use of opioids, they were even recently found in mussels along the western coast of the United States. Some effects of opioids that have been inspected include inside species of mussels, opioids have been known to deplete proteins, kill cells, and fragment DNA. In another study, fish embryos were exposed to TRA, an opioid, and observed to see the effects. Researchers saw a significant setback in egg development after only a couple days of exposure. Despite what little experiments and information have been gathered about pharmaceutical effects in the environment, the known effects don’t involve great news for chemical pollution and marine animals. PPCPs, or pharmaceutical and personal care products, were found even in the Arctic. Most likely these PPCPs were from sewage or waste that was runoff into the ocean because pharmaceuticals are released directly into sewage systems. It is anticipated that the effects of these drugs in the Arctic will be different from other regions on Earth because of the extremely cold water. Again, research on chemical pollution is ongoing and more chemical presence is expected to be discovered in the ocean in the future.

While experiments are currently being conducted, results and conclusions are difficult to read because of outside factors. In developing countries, wastewater treatment is poor and measurements on drug consumption are inaccurate, preventing researchers from understanding the full amount of drugs present and the effects of pharmaceuticals on the environment. Another difficult factor is the increase in recycling waste for fertilizer on farms. The recycled fertilizer can often contain veterinary drugs that are then more infiltrated into the environment and can reach the ocean through runoff. Majority of these drugs are made for specific biochemical reasons, so the presence of them in the environment can change how an ecosystem works or affect marine life in unknown ways. Another issue with pharmaceuticals is that many of them are considered “pseudo-persistent”, meaning they have shorter half-lives, but are still considered persistent pollutants. The term given is a challenge in itself because the pharmaceuticals are still continuously used and exposed to the environment, despite the possible effects being just as bad as persistent pollutants. Pharmaceuticals in the environment can mean increased antibiotic resistance, which could prove a serious threat to humans as diseases around the world become more difficult to treat because of the growing resistance.

So, what can be done about ocean chemical pollution? First, many findings of pharmaceuticals in the ocean have been low concentration and have not had visible effects. However, this does not mean we should ignore or overlook this issue, it is still new and continued testing and monitoring of marine species must occur. Even in low concentrations, we are not yet sure what could happen to ocean life, so prevention is key. The next question then, is how we possibly prevent these pollutants from reaching the ocean. The opioid epidemic is a whole separate issue people are fighting against, so fighting alongside them to help people addicted to opioids is a positive direction to go in. Besides decreasing the use of opioids illegally, wastewater plants should consider improvements in their treatment of water in order to remove harmful pharmaceutical substances. Ocean chemical pollution should concern everyone because it could affect the seafood supply in the future by contaminating species humans enjoy consuming. In conclusion, more focus on pharmaceuticals and waste is essential in order to examine the effects on marine life. Generally, humans must cut down their waste and start learning to protect and care about the environment.


Arnold, K. E., Brown, A. R., Ankley, G. T., & Sumpter, J. P. (2014). Introduction: Medicating the 

environment: assessing risks of pharmaceuticals to wildlife and ecosystems. 

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Fontes, M. K., Maranho, L. A., & Pereira, C. D. S. (2020, May 2). Review on the occurrence and 

biological effects of illicit drugs in Aquatic Ecosystems. Environmental Science and 

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Howard, J. (2021, May 3). Marine Pollution Facts and information. Environment. Retrieved 

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Kallenborn, R., Brorström-Lundén, E., Reiersen, L.-O., & Wilson, S. (2017, July 31). 

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (ppcps) in Arctic Environments: Indicator 

contaminants for assessing local and remote anthropogenic sources in a pristine 

ecosystem in change. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Retrieved 

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TRA. healthcare. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2021, from 


Yadav, M. K., Short, M. D., Gerber, C., van den Akker, B., Aryal, R., & Saint, C. P. (2018, June 

9). Occurrence, removal and environmental risk of markers of five drugs of abuse in 

urban wastewater systems in South Australia. Environmental Science and Pollution 

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plastic pollution..jpg
plastic pollution.jpg



Marine plastics. (2018, December 5). IUCN.


Plastic pollution. (n.d.). Our World in Data.


Truong, G. (2017, March 22). Film review: A plastic ocean shows us a world awash with rubbish. The Conversation.


Ocean plastics pollution. (n.d.). Center for Biological Diversity.


Plastic Pollution Coalition. (n.d.)





Plastic Pollution

         Plastic. It is one of the most common and widespread materials used for many purposes in our society. It is used for packaging, building and construction, household and sports equipment, vehicles, electronics and agriculture. It’s cheap, lightweight, strong and ductile. About 300 million tons of plastic are produced every year, half of which are used to make items such as shopping bags, straws, and cups. However, there is one unequivocal fact! Although plastic is a cheap, efficient and useful material, it has proven to be catastrophic for the health of humans, wildlife, and marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

Due to the resistant nature of most plastics, being synthetic organic polymers, they can not decompose or break down chemically. Once they are left in the environment, they will stay there and cause harm for about 450 years, only breaking down into smaller and smaller particles of plastic! What makes this feature of plastic even worse is taking into consideration the sheer quantity of plastic that is currently polluting our planet. As mentioned before, humans today produce about 300 million tons of plastic waste every year, which is nearly the equivalent to the weight of the entire human population! Furthermore, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, about 8 million tons of plastic are ending up in our oceans every year! To add to the severity of this dilemma, it is also known that plastic waste has been detected on each and every single shoreline of all the continents in the world, making it amongst the most, if not the most, widespread forms of pollution that currently exist on our planet! Disgusting!

Now, you may ask, how exactly does plastic debris find its way into our oceans and water systems? Well, the main sources of marine plastic are land-based. This means that they come from urban and storm runoff, sewer overflows, beach visitors, inadequate waste disposal and management, industrial activities, construction, and illegal dumping. But not all plastic pollution is land-based. There is also ocean-based plastic pollution, which originates from the fishing industry, nautical activities and aquaculture. 

Plastic pollution has caused a wide range of environmental problems, one of those being its threat to the safety and health of marine biodiversity. Yes, you heard that right! Our planet's incredible marine mammals and seafood are being severely impacted! According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, under the influence of solar UV radiation, wind, currents and other natural factors, large plastic material fragments into small particles known as microplastics. Consequently, because there is just so much plastic in the ocean, something known as the Great Pacific garbage patch has formed. It is essentially a patch created by plastic debris and other trash from around the world that is brought together by ocean currents. The best way to imagine how this looks in the ocean is by picturing a “soup” of tiny plastic pieces mostly below the water’s surface. Now, the problem with microplastics is that they create toxic chemicals that marine wildlife swim in. The animals soak up these toxic chemicals and allow for a process called biomagnification. Biomagnification is the increased concentration of a substance, in this case a toxic chemical from plastic, in the tissues of organisms of successively higher levels in a food chain, damaging the entire wildlife ecosystem. However, there are not just microplastics in the ocean. There is also a significant presence of larger plastic debris that hundreds of thousands of marine animals either get entangled in or ingest, ultimately leading to awful deaths.

There may be people out there who say, “Well too bad animals are dying as a result of me using plastic, but it doesn't affect me so who cares.” However, this ignorant way of thinking is actually very far from reality. Plastic pollution has a variety of effects on us. It has a direct impact on our food and health. If I told you that the plastic you discard could somehow find its way back into the food you eat or water you drink, would you still purchase or not recycle plastic? I hope your answer is no! If you can recall when we discussed biomagnification, you can understand how plastic could find its way back to you through your seafood. The accumulation of toxic chemicals up the food chain will inevitably cause the marine predators, or the majority of the fish we eat, to have the highest concentrations of toxic chemicals in their tissues. And that will all be ingested by you. You want to know something crazier? Traces of “invisible” plastic, or tiny nanoparticles of plastic, have actually been found in tap water, beer and salt! And I am pretty sure we all consume that more often than not. Consequently, all of these traces of plastic we are ingesting from seafood or water are bound to have negative effects on our health. According to the article “Plastic Pollution” by Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser, several chemicals used in the production of plastic materials are actually known to interfere with the body’s endocrine system, causing developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune disorders in humans, as well as wildlife. I don't know about you, but if I could prevent myself or my loved ones from experiencing these horrible health effects by limiting my plastic use, I definitely would!

The good news is, we can absolutely do something about the increasing amounts of plastic pollution ending up in our earth’s oceans. As consumers, we have control over the market of plastic products, and we can steer our future into a more sustainable one by buying products from, and supporting, plastic-alternative companies. We can also do a better job of reusing and recycling plastic to keep it from being discarded and becoming debris. And yes, your actions do make an impact!

Pollution From Fertilizer + Pesticides

One typically overlooked, but very important, category of pollution is pesticide and fertilizer pollution. Toxic chemicals found in pesticides and fertilizers are responsible for polluting many fresh and ocean water systems, land, and wildlife. Pesticides and fertilizers are used in huge amounts and they have major impacts on the environment around areas they are used. 



It is important to understand what pesticides are, the word pesticide can be used to reference any compound used to eliminate or regulate pests which include herbicides (weeds), insecticides (insects), rodenticides (rodents), and fungicides (fungi) (Pesticides pollution:) Britannica defines fertilizers as natural or synthetic used to enhance soil fertility and replace the chemical elements taken from the soil by previous crops. Common chemical elements typically used in fertilizers are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These pesticides and fertilizers all have major implications by polluting the environment where they are applied. 


Fertilizer impacts on ecosystems 

There are many different nutrients that are supplied to crops through fertilizers, however the most devastating pollution effects most often come from nitrogenous fertilizers. These fertilizers are applied in liberal amounts by farmers to improve crop production, although only about 50% of the fertilizer nitrogen is taken up by the crop and the rest poses the threat of leaching and polluting nearby land and water (Kolenbrander). This pollution can have devastating effects on water systems, as seen in the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. 


What is the Gulf Dead Zone?

The dead zone in the Gulf is a hypoxic zone that forms every year in the summer and is the result of excess nutrient pollutants from the Mississippi river that discharges into the Gulf. The nutrient-polluted fresh waters are mainly the result of nitrogen that enters the river through upstream runoff of fertilizers, soil erosion, animal wastes, and sewage (Bruckner, 2019). Stratification (layering) of the Gulf waters leads to the less dense and nutrient-rich water of the Mississippi on top of the denser seawater of the Gulf (EPA, 2021). The nutrient-rich water above the seawater prevents the mixing of oxygen-rich surface water with the oxygen-poor water on the bottom, resulting in hypoxic conditions that are inhabitable to many marine organisms.  According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, 5,380 square miles has been the average hypoxic zone size over the past five years and The largest hypoxic zone measured since records started in 1985 was 8,776 square miles in 2017 (NOAA, 2021). 


What Can be Done? 

There have been many studies that have documented effective practices that can be implemented to reduce the amount of nutrient runoff. These techniques include restoring floodplain forests and wetlands, river management practices such as floodplain reconnection, and agricultural practices such as the addition of cover crops or improved nutrient management plans (Tallis et al., 2019). In addition, since 1997 the Hypoxia Task Force, established by the EPA to research the effects and cause of the Gulf dead zone, has been working to develop and monitor solutions to decrease the size of the dead zone. 


Pesticides: Rodenticide impact on ecosystems

As defined above, there are many types and uses of pesticides, which all pollute ecosystems in different ways. Here we will take a deeper dive into the effects of rodenticides and the effect that they specifically have on ecosystems.   


Finding mice or rats in your home can be a jarring experience and your initial reaction may be to eliminate the rodents as quickly as possible with the use of rodenticides. Unfortunately, using toxic rodenticides doesn’t just kill the pests that you intend them to kill, they also can have devastating effects on the surrounding ecosystem. The chemicals that kill the rodents have the ability to poison entire food chains by disrupting natural predator-prey cycles and have cascading effects. Once rodents ingest the poison, it may take several days for them to die. If predators such as owls, hawks, or bobcats eat the rodent after ingesting the poison, they as well are ingesting the poison. Low doses of rodenticide in wildlife predators can lead to a weakened immune system, making them susceptible to disease and possible fatality (Cudney, 2021). Recent studies in California have found rodenticide traces in 75% of the wildlife tested. Some chemicals used, such as second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs), were found to be in more than 90% of mountain lions, 88% of bobcats, 85% of protected Pacific fishers, and 70% of northern spotted owls by The Department of Fish and Wildlife (Cudney, 2021).


Integrated Pest Management - A Replacement to Rodenticides

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a strategy used to replace the need for rodenticides by efficiently managing pests. Fortifying your home so that pests can’t enter, using peppermint oil to deter rodents, and installing owl boxes on your property are just a few techniques that can be employed under IMP to effectively manage pests in your home. Trapping rodents in nonlethal traps, such as Havahart traps also can be effective to manage small populations of rodents. It is in everyone’s best interest to protect the natural predators of pesky rodents because healthy predators mean that rodent populations will be low. As an example, a healthy Red-tailed hawk can eat 1 squirrel, 3 rats, and a rabbit all in one day (Cudney, 2021). The phasing out of rodenticides will lead to healthier ecosystems and less of a need to use rodenticides in the long run.


Oil Pollution 

Oil Pollution can be deemed one of the most infectious diseases of wildlife, considering it is completely autonomous to most living wildlife species. Specifically, marine life is subjected to the most severe effects of wildlife, considering a large portion of oil spillages inevitably terminate into ocean water. The question of the matter however, is to what extent does oil pollution affect wildlife, and especially in what ways? “Recent estimates of the input of petroleum hydrocarbons to the world's oceans during the 1970s and early 1980s ranged from about 3.2 to 6.1 million tonnes/year,” which happens to be the number one oil pollutant our earth endeavors (Science Direct). While the short term effects may be a minute extermination of a species, the lasting effects appear to be more like the extinction of thousands. 


To begin, one must understand logistically what oil pollution is, and what causes it to occur. Oil pollution takes place most frequently due to any spillage of crude oil, which is the universal petroleum used in most day-to-day products. For example, crude oil persists in anything from cooking oils, to soaps, to plastic coffee cups. Known for its extensive practicality, global manufacturers have become dependent on the cheap oil, despite its terminal repercussions. After all, humans won't be able to recognize the environmental effects of petroleum for hundreds of years when the earth combusts from all of the heat and carbon dioxide trapped within the atmosphere. That is, as long as humans don't start industrializing the ocean, which is not an impossibility. In short, fossil fuels are released into the atmosphere with the production and use of oil, inescapably instigating global warming. 


So, if fossil fuels have such an effect on humans, what are its effects on animals in the ocean or surrounding? An example of how oil pollution affects wildlife can be recognized in a case study of birds that dive for their food. According to the International Bird Rescue organization, “When oil sticks to a bird’s feathers, it causes them to mat and separate, impairing waterproofing and exposing the animal’s sensitive skin to extremes in temperature” (IBR). Conclusively, birds attempt to rid themselves of oil by licking their own skin, which only causes the bird to ingest the oil and eventually perish. In the off chance that the bird does make it past this sequence, its oil-soaked feathers will lose their buoyancy, and the bird will be unable to fly. This unfortunate turn of events allots to the hundreds of ocean-feeding birds that have since become immortalized because of oil spills. In another recent case study of the Louisiana Oil spill from 2010, thousands of face-up fish filled the Bayou Chaland area of Louisiana because of a close-by oil spill from a large cooperation, likely working with ingredients such as crude oil and other pollutants (National Geographic). Consequently, almost the entirety of the marsh was overflowing with suffocated fish, who were previously swimming in a three-fourths oil to water mixture. While the quantity of fish killed from one particular oil spill might seem insignificant, it is rather the idea that the entire ecosystem, food chain, and habitats must then work to rebuild themselves, possibly now with less species than before.


Presumably, the devastating loss of wildlife species is the greatest limitation that oil pollution prevails. However, like previously mentioned, the reformation of habitat and ecosystem is truly the lethal defect of oil pollution. After a species loses a majority of its species count, it is near impossible to resume a stable ecosystem and food chain. Thinking about it as a larger picture, every species is dependent on one another, such as the Blue Parrot which went extinct in 2018. The parrot was a fruit-eating species, making it vital that blue parrots relocate seeds from native trees- without this environmental service, the fruit-bearing trees themselves also face extinction, and so on (Earth). Thus, wildlife is incredibly influenced by loss of predators as such, and oil pollution is generally the catalyst of these events. What happens after an oil spillage often goes overlooked, especially the destruction of habitats that goes far and beyond simple extinction.


The “snowball effect” undoubtedly comes into play when understanding oil pollution, and how detrimental it can be for a multitude of species. Even one pollution-related inconvenience can slowly become a threat to a residing ecological community. Corporations that burn fossil fuels faster than the speed of light have little regard for the vulnerability of species, making the (unintentional) mass-carnage of a species periodically irreversible. There is no predetermination of whether the species of affliction has a dependency on its ecosystem or vice versa, but the odds are higher than likely that a fluke within a destroyed ecosystem will erupt. Now more than ever, finding approaches to omit or prevent oil spillages is crucial. Properly disposing of products made with or of petroleum can be a large help to saving at-risk habitats: fundamentally anything worth throwing away should be done so ethically, in hopes that the trash makes it to an environmentally-friendly site, rather than decomposing at the ocean's surface. Oil pollution is one of the many leading causes of both habitat destruction and marine life extinction, and it all boils down to humans to reverse the damage that is already done.

Water Soluble Fertilizer Solutions

Trapping - an integrated pest management strategy



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Oil Covered Rubber Gloves
oil truck



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